Most of us who were born in New Orleans don't know how to use a compass. North, South, East, and West? Those are terms we simply do not employ while getting around our city. And when we do, let's be honest, we use them incorrectly.
Some cities, like New York, employ a grid system of streets and avenues. Uptown is north. Downtown is south. It makes perfect sense. Other cities, like Washington, D.C. add diagonals radiating out from the Capitol, the White House and various memorials. That's fine. For them.
But in New Orleans, we are more concerned with which way the river flows. And when we say "the river," we mean the Mississippi River. You see, for us, "Uptown" is up-river – the direction from which the water is flowing. Downtown is down river – or where the water is going. And that direction changes as the river twists and turns on its journey to the Gulf of Mexico.
If you live in River Ridge, the river is flowing south. But less than a mile away, in Harahan, the river has begun to head north again. At the "Riverbend" neighborhood, you can stand on the levee and watch the water flow east, toward the rising sun. If you live on the Westbank, you'll watch the river roll westward, into the sunset.
Oh, yes, and "the Westbank" neighborhood I just mentioned? It's located on the west side of the river. But it's actually due east of the French Quarter. I'm sorry about that.
So throw away your preconceptions. Leave your compasses at home. This is New Orleans. Where up is down and west is east. We live on the river and we just kind of roll with it.