1. Don't wear black.
This is probably on all the beignet tip lists, but it bears repeating. Don’t wear black or nice clothes to the beignet shop. If you must wear fancy clothes like a bridesmaid dress, prom dress or your best suit, wait to get beignets after your event - Café du Monde and Morning Call are open 24 hours. Plus, beignets are ideal for soaking up the alcohol that’s surely in your stomach by the end of a night in New Orleans.
2. Say you want "an order."
When you place your order for beignets, simply tell the server how many “orders" you want (3 beignets per order) - not “orders of beignets” or even worse, “plate of beignets." The only food they serve is beignets, so you don't need to specify. Unless you WANT to look like a tourist.
3. Order in bulk.
The servers don't write anything down. To make it easier for them to memorize what you want, 1 person should order for the table and say how many café au laits, chocolate milks, "orders" etc. y'all want.
4. Hold your breath.
There are 2 ways to eat a beignet - biting into it whole or tearing it and eating the pieces. Either way, you shouldn't breathe in OR out when a beignet is near your face. Unless you want to inhale powdered sugar or get it all over your clothes. However, when a beignet is near your friend’s face, this is a good time to break out your best joke or share a scandalous secret.
5. Don't drink the water.
This is truly an insider tip, coming from a born-and-raised beignet eater. No matter what you drink with your beignets, do not drink the glass of water they give you. Instead, use it to dip your fingers into once you're done eating. It's also good for moistening a paper napkin to wipe your mouth and dab the powder off your clothes.